About Keeping Pieces

my story
If you're reading this- first and foremost, thank you for being here!
I started Keeping Pieces when I was a college student. At first, it was just an Instagram page where I posted favorite quotes and OOTD's. It wasn't until I found myself graduating during a global pandemic that I decided to turn Keeping Pieces into something more.
I chose the name Keeping Pieces for my brand because I believe that I am always trying my best to keep close the pieces of my life that are most important to me. Whether they are moments, passions, people, different stages and things I'm going through in my twenties- I keep everything close to my heart. Our lives consist of the moments and pieces that make it so special. So, what does that have to do with apparel?
Ever since I was a little girl, I adored all things fashion. Growing up as a typical "girly girl", I wore the title proudly. Some of my favorite childhood memories include shopping days with Mom, staying on top of trends, and drawing designs with my Grandmother- who I used to tell one day that I would run my own store.
Keeping Pieces is a brand, but also a reminder to myself and others to value the little pieces of your life that are truly beautiful. My grandmother instilled a dream chasing mindset in me that I believe I will have forever. It will always be the right course of direction, and here's to keeping in mind all the little things & pieces that come along the way.
Keeping Pieces is for the comfort lovers. A brand for those who like to keep things relaxed and fun. The KP way- Hang loose. Loosen up. Take it easy. Relax. Chill out.